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New Seminarians

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

We have started the new seminary year with Paulo, Cristian, Brian and Alessandro who have joined our seminary community.

Brian Rodriguez

Brian is 19 years old. He is from Denver, Colorado. His home parish is Our Lady of the Plains.

He started joining the Neo-catechumenal community four years ago and he has loved it since the very beginning.

After graduating from High School he started working as a plumber.

After a wonderful experience at the World Youth Day in Lisbon, he decided to commit himself to what the Lord has prepared for him.

Besides being a plumber, he is a barber, plays the guitar, and loves signing in the community.


Cristian Trujillo

Cristian is 21 years old. His home parish is Good Shepherd in Dallas, Texas. He belongs to the 8th Neo-catechumenal community since 2016.

He is the 1st of eleven siblings. He has eight brothers and two sisters. Being the first of his family, his siblings look up to him.

After graduating from High School he started working with his father in HVAC.

Cristian felt the calling to the priesthood and after a time of discernment, he was sent to Vancouver to begin his seminary formation.


Paulo Garcia

Paulo is 18 years old. He comes from Los Angeles, California.

He is the youngest of three and has been journeying with his Neo-catechumenal community for five years.

After a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and after the World Youth Day in Lisbon the vocation to the priesthood became very clear to him. After some years of vocational discernment completed in Los Angeles, he is happy to begin this new milestone in his life.

Paulo has some unique skills. He is an excellent leather worker and knows how to play the trumpet very well.


Alessandro Colombo

Alessandro is 28 years old. He is originally from Monza, a town close to Milan, Italy.

He moved to Toronto in 2018 and started working as a carpenter. It is during this time that, through the invitation of a priest, he attended the catechesis at Our Lady of Guadalupe. Since then, journeying with his Neocatechumenal Community has been a great help.

He attended the World Youth Day in Lisbon and the pilgrimage helped him to make the decision to enter the seminary.


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